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May 26, 2018
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Business of Software Europe 2018

Last week I attended the Business of Software Europe 2018 conference, in London, United Kingdom. It’s a great conference, for people building sustainable software businesses. […]

October 6, 2014
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Brianna Wu, Nine ways to start helping and stop hurting women in tech

Business of Software Conference 2014 In September I travelled to Boston, MA in the USA for the 2014 Business of Software Conference. As conferences go […]

December 11, 2013
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

The Curve. A talk by Nicholas Lovell at the Business Leaders Network

On 22nd November Nicholas Lovell gave a talk at the Business Leaders Network meeting held at the premises of Taylor Wessing, London. The talk was […]

conference Talks & conferences
November 22, 2012
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Ogilvy Lab Day

Friday 26 October 2012 was Ogilvy Lab Day, held at Ravensbourne next to the O2 Arena, London, UK. I apologise if any details are incorrect […]

October 2, 2012
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Herding cats with the BOS Big Band

Yesterday I had the honour to play with the Business of Software big band at the conference party in the Julep Bar, Boston, MA. The […]

conference Talks & conferences
November 22, 2011
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Business of Software 2011 – mind food

A few weeks ago in October I travelled to Boston, MA for the Business of Software conference. This is the number one conference to go […]

Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Why you should go to conferences

Why should you go to a conference? I’m sure there are many different answers to this question, but I’m posing this question in response to […]

Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

MicroConf 2011 – Website teardowns and wrapup

In this final article about MicroConf I’m going to cover the speakers at MicroConf that I haven’t written about – Todd Garland, Marcus McConnell and […]

Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

MicroConf 2011 – Hiten Shah

Hiten Shah is founder of Crazy Egg and founder of KissMetrics. This is the closest I could find to a blog: There is a […]

Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

MicroConf 2011 – Justin Vincent

Justin Vincent is the creator of pluggio a tool for managing your twitter account. Justin blogs at Justin talks about his experience prior to […]

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