
This blog is where we help you improve your software, teach you how to use our tools to solve problems, software tool use cases, and improvements to our software tools.

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Debugging Error Handling
February 28, 2022
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Using and Debugging Environment Variables

Environment variables can be used to configure the various Validator tools that we provide.

Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Exceptions Codes you’ve never heard of

If you write software for any length of time you’ll have seen your software fail in a variety of ways.

April 14, 2021
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Why does GetProcAddress() sometimes return an address outside of the DLL?

For most uses of GetProcAddress(), the address returned will be an address inside the DLL that you’re using to look up the function. But sometimes, […]

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