Hints and tips

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Hints and tips
April 3, 2020
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Setting up ISAPI on IIS 10

Introduction OK so it’s 2020 and how many people are developing ISAPI extensions? More than you might imagine. Yeah Ruby on Rails and Rust are […]

Hints and tips
January 31, 2017
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

How to output to stdout from an MFC program

If you’ve ever developed an MFC program with a graphical user interface and then later thought that it would be really nice to also provide […]

Development Hints and tips
December 14, 2016
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Working with Dev C++

We’ve had a few people asking how to configure C++ Memory Validator to work with programs built using Dev C++. Dev C++ is an IDE […]

Development Hints and tips
November 30, 2016
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

The correct way to determine if a file is a directory.

After writing for Microsoft’s Windows platform for 20 years, I thought I knew all I could know about GetFileAttributes() until I found a rather odd […]

Hints and tips
November 29, 2016
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

How to make your MFC (or non MFC) program support high DPI monitors. The easy way.

A few years ago Microsoft introduced support for very high resolution monitors. Such monitors might have nearly 4000 pixels horizontally and over 2000 pixels vertically. […]

Hints and tips
November 16, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Don’t try this at home – custom control time sink

There are times when writing a custom control will waste your time like nothing on earth. I’m going to share with you a particularly painful […]

Hints and tips
August 8, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

How to read embedded data from a resource

In the previous article, I showed you how to embed data into a custom resource in your executable. In this article, I’m going to show […]

Hints and tips
August 7, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

How to embed data into a resource

In this article, I will demonstrate how you can embed data into a Windows PE format executable (EXE or DLL). At the end, I will […]

Hints and tips
July 9, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Don’t use srand(clock()), use srand((unsigned)time(NULL)) instead

Typically you use srand() when you need to start the random number generator in a random place. You may do this because you are going […]

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