
This blog is where we help you improve your software, teach you how to use our tools to solve problems, software tool use cases, and improvements to our software tools.

February 12, 2020
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Identifying crashes with the Windows Event Log

It’s an unfortunate and inevitable fact that while developing software sometimes your software will crash. This also happens, sometimes, hopefully very infrequently, in production code. […]

Coverage Memory Profiler Thread
February 11, 2020
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Monitoring a service with the NT Service API

Debugging services is a pain. There is a lot that can go wrong and very little you can do to find out what went wrong. […]

Flow Tracing
August 24, 2019
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Large Scale Exception Tracing

We’ve just released another of our in-house tools – Exception Tracer. Debugging Events Exception Tracer started off life as an experiment and then through a […]

August 22, 2019
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

An Easier Way To View Thread Wait Chains

Since Windows Vista the Windows operating system has included functionality to iterate across the waiting objects that form a chain between threads. I’m waiting for […]

Life productivity
July 11, 2019
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Decompression and blue days

It’s not uncommon for the founders of startup businesses to experience problems with motivation and problems with productivity as their business grows. I’m going to […]

July 11, 2019
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Stdout redirection and capture

We were recently asked if Memory Validator could handle monitoring a program that took it’s input from a file and wrote its’ output to a […]

Development Thread
June 19, 2019
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Thread naming

Multi-threading is becoming quite common these days. It’s a useful way to provide a responsive user interface while performing work at the same time. Our […]

Talks & conferences
April 18, 2019
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Stephen Kellett

Business of Software Europe 2019

Last week I attended my the Business of Software Europe conference. This year the conference returns to Cambridge after a few years in Dublin and […]

September 4, 2018
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

How to detect GDI handle leaks

Working with GDI in Windows, whether you’re using Win32 calls or MFC, you’re concerned with pens, brushes, fonts, bitmaps and regions for drawing. You may […]

Memory Test Setup
June 6, 2018
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Detecting memory leaks in Visual Test unit tests

Introduction We recently had a request asking if Memory Validator could detect memory leaks in unit tests managed by Microsoft’s Visual Test and Visual Test […]

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