
This blog is where we help you improve your software, teach you how to use our tools to solve problems, software tool use cases, and improvements to our software tools.

May 18, 2012
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Stephen Kellett

“cannot open type library file” error on x64 systems

I’ve just tried building a Visual Studio 2010 helper DLL on Windows 7 x64. The build failed with “cannot open type library file vsmso.olb : […]

Development Porting to Win64
April 22, 2012
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Stephen Kellett

x64 Porting gotcha #3. Serializing collections

When Microsoft ported MFC to 64 bits they also changed the return type for the GetSize() and GetCount() methods in the collection classes. They changed […]

Communication Development
March 30, 2012
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Stephen Kellett


Are you any good at communication? Thats a good question. If you’re like me, you probably think you are not good at communication. You may […]

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Stephen Kellett

64 bit porting gotcha #2! x64 Register preservation

In a previous article on x64 development I mentioned the problem of aligning the callstack on 16 byte boundaries and what happens if you do […]

February 17, 2012
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Stephen Kellett

Unhandled non-continuable exception. What?

The Problem A few days ago I was testing the latest version of C++ Memory Validator x64. The testing was going fine until I tried […]

February 16, 2012
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Stephen Kellett

Improving your code with Static Analysis tools

Update, October 2012. I’ve edited this to include more tools, prices and our experience with each vendor we’ve interacted with. At Software Verification we create […]

January 2, 2012
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Stephen Kellett

Improving MFC memory performance

If you are using MFC arrays it is possible in quite a few cases to improve the speed and memory performance of these arrays. This […]

conference Talks & conferences
November 22, 2011
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Stephen Kellett

Business of Software 2011 – mind food

A few weeks ago in October I travelled to Boston, MA for the Business of Software conference. This is the number one conference to go […]

November 17, 2011
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Stephen Kellett

Important changes to how we bring you software updates

In this blog post I’m going to tell you about some important changes that will be happening with respect to how we provide software updates […]

October 21, 2011
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Stephen Kellett

Tablets vs PCs, is this the correct way to compare them?

A brief history Since the dawn of electronic computing we’ve had valves disrupted by transistors, mainframes disrupted by minicomputers, mincomputers disrupted by workstations, workstations disrupted […]

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