
This blog is where we help you improve your software, teach you how to use our tools to solve problems, software tool use cases, and improvements to our software tools.

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Stephen Kellett

MicroConf 2011 – Patrick McKenzie

Patrick McKenzie starts with a “I didn’t believe I could do this” preamble explaining how he ended up learning Japanese and choosing a career with […]

Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

MicroConf 2011 – Ramit Sethi

Ramit Sethi is author of the book I will teach you to be rich and also blogs at Ramit’s talk was excellent and I’m […]

Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

MicroConf 2011 – Mike Taber

Mike Taber runs his own consulting business and also writes, markets and sells a financial compliance auditing software tool for use in the banking industry. […]

Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

MicroConf 2011 – Rob Walling

Rob Walling is a parallel entrepreneur (he runs more than one business at a time), author and conference organiser. Rob blogs at Software by Rob. […]

Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

MicroConf 2011 – Sean Ellis

Sean Ellis has a successful track record launching and running several web based businesses. Sean talks about the various companies he has worked with and […]

Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

MicroConf 2011 – Andrew Warner of Mixergy

The first speaker at MicroConf was Andrew Warner of Mixergy. This write up is my take on Andrew’s talk. I’m listing the things Andrew picks […]

Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

MicroConf 2011

Two months ago I went MicroConf in Las Vegas. MicroConf is a conference for the self-funded statup, organised by Rob Walling and Mike Taber. I […]

August 6, 2011
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Perl Profiling API – implementation

To enable us to create our Perl code coverage, Perl flow tracing and Perl profiling tools we have modified the Perl runtime to include a […]

August 6, 2011
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Perl Profiling API

For some time we have had tools for use with Perl in the beta stage. The reason the tools never left beta is because the […]

March 14, 2011
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Stephen Kellett

Did Clayton Christensen predict Twitter in 2004?

Professor Clayton Christensen has written some very interesting books outlining his theories governing disruption in industry, where new entrants to a market using seemingly inferior […]

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