
This blog is where we help you improve your software, teach you how to use our tools to solve problems, software tool use cases, and improvements to our software tools.

Porting to Win64
September 15, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Removing annoying ‘ceil’ : attributes not present on previous declaration warning C4985

A bug in Visual Studio 2008 when compiling for 64 bit code results in a rather odd warning message. The message is typically shown for […]

Hints and tips
August 8, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

How to read embedded data from a resource

In the previous article, I showed you how to embed data into a custom resource in your executable. In this article, I’m going to show […]

Hints and tips
August 7, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

How to embed data into a resource

In this article, I will demonstrate how you can embed data into a Windows PE format executable (EXE or DLL). At the end, I will […]

Porting to Win64 Thread
August 6, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Thread Validator x64 enters BETA

Thread Validator x64 is now available for beta testing. Thread Validator x64 is the 64 bit version of our successful 32 bit Thread Validator software […]

August 5, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Give up caffeine, improve productivity

Give up caffeine, improve productivity – yes I am serious. Just recently I found out that I was allergic to several things, one of them […]

July 20, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

How to commit suicide – outsource your software development

Is that headline a bit too strong? I don’t think so. Allow me to explain. This article applies to any company where your main product […]

Test Setup
July 20, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Problems building Firefox

I’ve been building Firefox on Windows recently. Without problems. But then I wanted a build with symbols and that is when the problems started. It […]

Coverage Profiler
July 19, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Doing good work can make you feel a bit stupid

Doing good work can make you feel a bit stupid, well that’s my mixed bag of feelings for this weekend. Here is why… Last week […]

July 10, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

How to prevent a memory tool from monitoring your C/C++ allocations

A little known fact is that the Microsoft C Runtime (CRT) has a feature which allows some allocations (in the debug runtime) to be tagged […]

Hints and tips
July 9, 2010
Avatar for Stephen Kellett
Stephen Kellett

Don’t use srand(clock()), use srand((unsigned)time(NULL)) instead

Typically you use srand() when you need to start the random number generator in a random place. You may do this because you are going […]

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